Saturday, July 19, 2014

Process engineering takes place directly after product engineering has completed the design of product.
It takes the information from product engineer and they create the plan for manufacture Processing is then the function of determining exactly how a product will be made.

process engineering:

A. To determine the manufacturing process to be used.
B. To determine the order of sequence of operation necessary to manufacture the part.
1. Operation routing or line up
2. Process pictures

C. To determine and order the tooling and gauges needed to manufacture the part
1. Orders to design
2. Orders to build
3. Orders to buy
D. To determine, select and order the equipment needed to manufacture the part.
E. To determine need for and originate orders for all process revisions necessary when part print changes occur.
F. To follow up the tooling and equipment to determine if all if all is functioning as planned and if not, make the necessary revisions.
G. To provide estimates of cost of tooling and equipment needed to manufacture new products
H. To determine part changes necessary to ease manufacture or reduce cost and request part print
I. To take part in product study groups to assist the product engineer in the design of a product that
will be feasible and economical to make.
Process engineering is definitely a field requiring incentive and creativity as well as experience. Creating a new process may be as interesting as new product. So many new processes are developed and process
engineering has to be up to date Failure to use a better, low cost or safer process due to ignorance may result into drastic losses. The best process plan of this year may be obsolete next year.

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